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1 in every 3 people affected by obesity also experience some form of joint pain or arthritis. Luckily, you can take care of both with one safe, effective procedure: weight-loss surgery!

Bariatric procedures are proven to help patients lose weight long-term and alleviate many weight-related conditions. The result? Improved quality of life!
Obesity and Physical Discomfort
  • Over 54 million people suffer from some form of joint pain, most commonly in the knees
  • Every pound of excess weight adds 4 pounds of pressure on our knees¹
  • Obese individuals have a higher risk of developing arthritis
  • Excess fat creates and releases chemicals that can cause inflammation
Obesity and Physical Discomfort
  • Over 54 million people suffer from some form of joint pain, most commonly in the knees
  • Every pound of excess weight adds 4 pounds of pressure on our knees¹
  • Obese individuals have a higher risk of developing arthritis
  • Excess fat creates and releases chemicals that can cause inflammation
The Benefits of Bariatric Surgery for Joint Pain

Various studies have found that bariatric surgery:

  • Weight-loss surgery can help patients lose 50 to 70% of their excess weight, taking pressure off the joints
  • A study from the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) found:
  • 57% of patients with severe mobility issues no longer had them after surgery
  • About 70% of patients with severe knee and hip pain or disability saw improvements in pain and function
  • Sustained weight loss of even 10 to 15 pounds can lower risk of osteoarthritis later in life²
The Benefits of Bariatric Surgery for Joint Pain

Various studies have found that bariatric surgery:

  • Weight-loss surgery can help patients lose 50 to 70% of their excess weight, taking pressure off the joints
  • A study from the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) found:
  • 57% of patients with severe mobility issues no longer had them after surgery
  • About 70% of patients with severe knee and hip pain or disability saw improvements in pain and function
  • Sustained weight loss of even 10 to 15 pounds can lower risk of osteoarthritis later in life²
What separates the very best surgeons from the average ones? Experience: a record of success and caring. At the New York Bariatric Group, we do everything we can to ensure a safe and comfortable surgical procedure, followed by a successful weight-loss journey, and a healthy, long, energetic life. The weight-loss surgeons at New York Bariatric Group are not only recognized in New York City as leading bariatric surgeons, but are also recipients of multiple national awards and commendations. Past patients will tell you our experience does not stop after your procedure. We know what it takes to lose weight and keep it off, so our comprehensive aftercare program allows for the greatest chance of success.
¹"Small Weight Loss Takes Big Pressure Off Knee"
²“Why weight matters when it comes to joint pain” Harvard Health Publishing,
The content/images on this website are not a guarantee of individual results. Individual results may vary. The information provided on this site is for general informational purposes only, and does not replace the need for a formal consultation with a surgeon before undergoing a surgical procedure or receiving treatment.
© New York Bariatric Group 2024